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Writer's pictureK.Imray

Roads: A New Year Continuum

Gali Salpeter’s Roads deck (2014) is a set of 67 projective cards developed as a therapeutic tool for dealing with processes in life. The cards come in a simple box with a list of basic options for using the cards. These options include choosing one card or several cards. A single card can be used to depict an issue from a person’s life, or the cards can be put together in a continuum, with each card representing one part of a process. Beyond the basic options suggested with the deck, Salpeter suggests adapting the applications from the guide book accompanying her other deck, The River (2011).

The spread I’ve used below is a simple one adapted from the three card past-present-future spread that will be known to most card users.

Instructions: Spreading the cards out on a clear surface, select a card to represent the year that is passing away. Lay that card to the side. Select a card to represent the year that is about to begin and lay it aside with the previous card. Finally, select a card to represent the time beyond this coming year. What will come after what is coming? Lay that card down with the other two. You now have three images representing the past, what you are coming into, and the more distant future. If you are called to do so you might also want to select a more distant past card.

The cards you selected could be general, or they could represent a certain aspect of your life – your career, a creative endeavour, a relationship. The images could represent hopes or fears, something real or imagined. You’ll notice the road running through each of the images. Arrange the cards in relation with each other. You can talk through the images, their meaning and relationship to each other, with a trusted friend, or you might prefer to write in your reflective journal.


I created two continuums, one for fear and one for hope.

 There are some intriguing images in these cards. Here are a selection:

 These and other cards are available on Salpeter's site Story and Therapy. Card training is offered in Australia through workshops by My Feelings Counselling.

© 2024 by Kathryn Imray

ABN: 28 620 893 61

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